Friday Morning 'Early Bird' League at Impact Dynamic Training Details
Players will AUTOMATICALLY move one tier down in the rankings ONLY if they do not notify us ahead of time that they cannot attend one of the weeks OR if they miss 2 weeks in a row. If a player misses one week and notifies us ahead of time, they will stay in the same tier.
Please arrive around 5:45am to check in and warmup. Games will start at 6:00am! Doors will be open at 5:30am for those looking to arrive as early as possible.
From week to week, you will move up one tier, down one tier, or will stay in the same tier based on your performance that week (read below for details). *The only exception is the first week which tends to have the most lopsided matchups. If there are players that win every game or lose every game by a significant margin, they may move up or down more than one tier heading into week 2.*
The Franklin Pickleball Merchandise Selection that was mentioned in the registration form ONLY applies to players who signed up for this league AND one of our other leagues starting in December. If you are one of those players, you will receive your Franklin Pickleball Merchandise either this week or next week.
Week 1 Standings: For this league, it is Co-ed where there will be 4 different tiers. Each tier will be assigned to a court. Here are the players in each tier heading into Week 1. This was based on the skill level players indicated upon registration. Tiers may change slightly depending on who cannot attend.
1st Tier (Court 1)
LucyAnn Tolkkinen
Douglas Tan
Megan Kruzel
Jamie Rogers
Kyle Broekhuizen
2nd Tier (Court 2)
Jerry Groendyke
Bill DeBoer
Carter Dood
Henk De Wilde
Krista Haveman
Jeanne Clark
3rd Tier (Court 3)
Jon Haveman
Dave Bouwkamp (Missing the First Week)
Brandon Herman
Amy Tran
Anna DeWindt
David Alcook
4th Tier (Court 4)
Stephanie Kaeb (Missing the First Week)
Mark Lundvick
Patrick Haggerty
Carlos Martinez Garcia
Tho Thang
Rick Feria
Address: 2830 Port Sheldon St, Hudsonville, MI 49426. Impact Dynamic Training. If you cannot find the courts please call us - (616) 209-8852.
Ladder League Format...
Please arrive around 5:45am on Friday (December 6). Upon arrival, please sign the waiver form, check in, and warmup at your assigned court! Feel free to arrive as early as 5:30am as there will be 4 courts available to warm up at. Around 5:55am, we will make an announcement explaining the format of the league again and will start the games afterward!
If after the announcement is made you are missing any of the players assigned to your court, please let Carter know (I will be wearing Fusion Sports apparel so you know who I am).
On each court, there will be a clipboard indicating the matchups. After each game, 1 player from the winning team will circle the team that won and indicate the score.
On the clipboard, it will note each matchup. If you do not see your name in the matchup, this means you are sitting out that game.
After all of the games are completed, please return the clipboard and the pickleballs.
Each week, you will play 5-7 games. If your court gets done early and you would like to play more games, feel free! We just ask that you finish up your last game around 8:00am.
Players will move up and down tiers (or stay in the same tier) depending on their winning % & point differential within their tier (point differential serves as the tiebreaker for players with the same winning %). Remember, for this league there is no need to find a sub.
Overall Standings and Week by Week Tier Standings will be updated and sent out each week!
All Results will be entered into DUPR!
Weekly Prizes: We have a prize wheel with an assortment of different Franklin Pickleball Merchandise! 1 free spin will be awarded for the following...
Top Performer Each Week (excluding the last week): This will be the player who has the best record/point differential. This does not necessarily favor the top skilled players, as players are playing with others who are on a similar skill level. Players can only win the top performer prize once per league.
Game Format
All games will be played to 11, win by 2, following Standard USA Pickleball Rules. If there are only 4 players assigned to your court, games will be played to 15, win by 2.
There are no line judges! The player closest to the ball is responsible for calling the ball in or out.
If there is a disagreement about a ball being in/out or a potential rule violation, please REDO the point!
Questions? Please text/call (616) 209-8852 or email We can't wait to see you at the first week of the Friday Morning 'Early Bird' League at Impact Dynamic Training!!
Carter with Fusion Sports
(616) 209-8852