6-Week 'Sunday Night' Impact (Hudsonville) Indoor Ladder League
Sunday Nights 7:00-9:00PM Starting 2/23
$100 per person
Impact Dynamic Training, Port Sheldon Street, Hudsonville, MI, USA

Ladder League Format
The 'Early Bird' League is Co-ed. Meaning, Men and Women will be playing on the same courts. Each of the 6 designated courts will represent a tier in the ladder league. The goal of the ladder league is to see how far you can climb up the ladder!
Sunday Evenings from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Impact Dynamic Training
Dates - 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, and 3/30.
*Initial standings will be based upon a combination of your skill level entered during registration, performance in past Fusion Sports Leagues, and DUPR Rating (if you have one)*
Ladder League Schedule
6:45-7:00pm - Arrive/Warmup
7:00-9:00pm - Ladder League Play
Key Points:
There is no need to find a partner for this league! Each week you will play with multiple different partners that are a similar skill level.
All match results will be entered into DUPR. If you don’t have a DUPR account, your scores will be linked to your email within the DUPR system.
Players will remain on the same court for the entire night, playing 5 to 7 games each night of the league.
In case of cancellation due to weather (icy or snowy roads), we will not be able to reschedule the missed week.
For the first week, players will be assigned to a tier based upon a combination of your skill level entered during registration, performance in past Fusion Sports Leagues (if applicable), and DUPR Rating (if you have one).
The system in which players move up or down the ladder is changing a little bit. Prior to the beginning of the league, we will announce what the new system will look like so that everyone is on the same page. We are currently working on the new system which is why we have not announced it yet. The primary benefits of the new system will be...
Players can potentially move up or down multiple tiers if they play REALLY good or really bad. For example, if you win all of your games by a high point differential, there's a good chance you could move up 2 tiers for the next week of play.
More even courts from week to week.
A smoother system that easily adjusts for missing players from week to week. In the leagues so far this winter, we did not anticipate having so many missing players from week to week which caused frustration from some having to move down a tier due to missing players on the tier below them. With the new system, it will work differently so that we will NOT have to "ask you to move down" when you should not have to.